Coaching for Parents

Blue title box Coaching for Parents with two figures holding hands

Parents! We’ve been coaching kids and teens across the country on how to take charge of their lives. Now it is your turn! Join us to get clear on how you want to show up as a parent, or any other area of life. 

You will learn to talk back to your inner dialogue that says ‘this is hard,’ stomp on excuses that keep you from rocking your parenting, take down the personality traits that damage your relationship with your kids, and learn how to keep promises to yourself and your kids that are a match with your parenting dreams.

Private Coaching Package for Parents

  • 12 one-on-one coaching sessions 
  • Weekly or bi-weekly via Zoom
  • Rates: $300 a session and up (limited low cost coaching available for $150 a session)
  • Email us for a free consultation

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